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Group Hierarchies

To unlock browse tracking, insights, and learnings, Krestor needs hierarchy that matches the groups of products shown as category listing pages on your production site.

Either the group ids or group names in the catalog must be an exact match to something in the DOM or on the window object of your browse pages.

Group hierarchy data from the catalog helps our AI to identify patterns in user behavior, improving rankings across both search result pages and browse result pages.

Options for Building Group Hierarchies:

1. Preferred Format

  • a groups file, where each group has three fields: parent_id,id,name
  • a products file, where each product has a group_ids field
    • each group_id must match the id values in the groups file
    • when a single product belongs to multiple groups, use a | character to separate those paths
      • e.g. 123abc|456xyz

2. Breadcrumbs

  • for each item in the products file, provide a breadcrumbs field that shows the path(s) to that product
    • e.g. Shoes>Basketball>Jordans
  • when a single product belongs to multiple groups, use a | character to separate those paths
    • e.g. Pants>Jeans>Slim|Men>Pants>Jeans

3. ID Pairs

  • a groups file, where each group has three fields: parent_id,id,name
  • a products file, where each product has a product_id field
  • a mapping file where each item has two fields: product_id,group_id
    • each product_id must match items in the products file
    • each group_id must match the id values in the groups file

Our engineers will write some custom code to transform any of these three formats into our desired format, unlocking AI result rankings and analytics for your team.


If there is some other data format that you believe can be used to accomplish the goals described above, we are happy to give it a try!