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The Proof Schedule

Investing in AI is a big decision. We want to help potential customers make an informed decision before making a commitment. The Proof Schedule allows us to show the value of our AI in the context of your products and your users.

The following documentation is intended to support your technical team with the necessary tasks to prove what Krestor's AI can do for you (for a non-technical overview, have a look at our Proof Schedule PDF).

The Process

Proof Schedule consists of the following actions:

1. Loading the Beacon on Your Site

  • After you give your Account Manager the green light, our engineers will create a customized beacon to send anonymous clickstream data to our servers.
  • Once you load the customized beacon on your production site, Krestor will begin collecting clickstream data on how your users interact with your products.
  • When Krestor has gathered enough clickstream data, our data scientists will feed it to our machine learning algorithms to generate insights and optimize rankings for your top business KPIs.

2. Sending Your Product Catalog

  • To prove the value of Krestor AI using your product data, we require an import of your existing product catalog.
  • We ask that you send over the product catalog in our preferred format, but if that proves difficult feel free to send us catalog data in your existing format and we will evaluate it for use in a proof schedule.
  • You can send us your catalog data via email (easiest) or via our secure file upload.

As you tackle these action items, please don't hesitate to reach out with any clarifying questions!

3. Reviewing Results

After the beacon has been added to your site and we've uploaded your product catalog, we'll reach out to schedule a call to review the results of the proof schedule.

Typically it takes a few weeks to collect enough user traffic to generate insights but this timeline can change depending on the size of the product catalog and the amount of user traffic on the site.