AI & Ecommerce Search Resources

New research, guidance, and insights for the future of retail.

Whitepapers & Ebooks

state of ecommerce

2022 State of Ecommerce Merchandising Report

Read key takeaways from Krestor’s 2022 State of Ecommerce Merchandising Report—with insights from top teams on how they make it work.

Merchant Tools

The Krestor Guide to AI-Assisted Merchant Tools

How combining world-class merchandiser controls and AI functionality can help you meet your business goals.

NLP White Paper 2022

Speak your customers' language. Improve your ecommerce search KPIs.

The faster your site understands what your customers are looking for, the faster it can show it to them. Here’s how Natural Language Processing can help.

2022 Ecommerce

2022 Ecommerce Trends: AI and Omnichannel Experience​

Find out how forward-thinking ecommerce retailers are gaining advantage in 2022—from AI to omnichannel.

The 4 Pillars of Great
Ecommerce Search

Unify your search, browse and personalization vendor strategy with one cutting edge solution, one contract, one integration. Share…

Ecommerce Search Guide: The Secrets to Amazon-level Search

Unlock the unmet potential of search with this actionable list of ecommerce search best practices. This report offers a data-driven approach to…


The Future of Ecommerce: Experience-First

Retail’s emerging technologies are designed to make merchandising teams, tech teams, and customers happier. Prioritizing ecommerce experiences, these exciting new opportunities are positioned to have a huge impact on retail—and if Shoptalk 2022 is any indication, they’ve already started.

Achieving Peak Performance in Mobile Ecommerce

More than half of users prefer mobile shopping apps to other channels, spending over $432 billion and a total of 900 million hours on them every year. Is your mobile app giving your customers the experience they expect?

Your Ecommerce Advantage in 2022

Too many companies are reactive in their approach to merchandising, putting out supply chain fires and butting up against manual inefficiencies. They’re struggling to stay on top of trends, inventory, the latest promotions, customer search queries, and more.

5 Questions to ask before selecting a product discovery platform.

Krestor CEO, Eli Finkelshteyn and special guest Ali Bouhouch, CTO at Szentia.

The Search Product Manager Crash Course: Everything You Need To Know – Part 2

The missing manual to being a better Search Product Manager, Part 2. We’ll equip you with all the knowledge you need to understand relevant search and discovery algorithms available today and more.

The Search Product Manager Crash Course: Everything You Need To Know – Part 1

The missing manual to being a better Search Product Manager, Part 1. We’ll equip you with all the knowledge you need to create a winning site search road map.

How CCPA can affect your eCommerce site — in search, browse and beyond

The California Consumer Privacy Act went into effect on January 1st. Join the Krestor team to learn why the CCPA can put you at greater risk than Europe’s GDPR and the steps you need to take now.

Krestor’s November Product Updates

Learn about all our current and upcoming product updates, as well as how you can leverage Krestor’s tools to gain a massive competitive edge.

Search for them vs us: What makes AirBnB, Google and Amazon different.

Learn how the largest brands in the world use science-powered search to improve revenue, conversions and customer loyalty.

Search Relevance Is Dead: Here’s What You Should Optimize Instead.

Learn about the limitation of optimizing search results for “relevance,” and the 3 attributes to optimize instead.

Krestor Blog

Read Krestor’s views on building better search experiences. Explore business and science perspectives for search such as: optimizing customer experience, measuring ecommerce search conversions, and accelerating innovation with search science.

Krestor API Documentation

Learn how to use all of the Krestor APIs to integrate across your apps, web properties, catalogs and user data. The documentation includes code examples for javascript, ruby, python, php, perl, java, and csharp.

Don’t just trust us. Make us prove it.

Let us quantify the value of Krestor’s ML-backed search and discovery on your site using your data. No contract required.