Merchant Controls

Apply merchandising expertise to drive incremental revenue.

Krestor Search offers an integrated set of analytics, reporting and tools designed especially for merchandisers. Supplement automated results ranking with your expertise to improve customer search experiences.

Data-driven merchant controls

Natural language processing, machine learning-enhanced re-ranking, and collaborative personalization enable exceptional search results. Integrated merchant controls provide you with a search-based merchandising solution to drive additional revenue.



Create a competitive edge by infusing your merchandising expertise into automated search results.

Searchandizing puts merchants in control of results for specific search terms. Use it to:


  • Create custom collections pages for special occasions
  • Boost new products at introduction
  • Improve ranking for any product, such as high margin or high inventory items
  • Generate incremental revenue from slotting allowances
  • … and much more

Measure your searchandizing success through available customer journeys reports and search analytics dashboards.

Merchant control features

Use automation to identify areas where human expertise improves on search outcomes.


Supplement automated query processing and results ranking with curated search result rankings. Use the tool to feature specific products, create custom collections pages for special occasions and much more.

Product catalog management

Enables continuous updates to the searchable product catalog. Supports updates via FTP and API endpoints and via the dashboard for individual updates.


Gain a merchant’s-eye-view of search operations along with the ability to drill into overall trends and specific opportunities for improvement.

Trend reports

Quickly access essential reports such as “zero result searches.” Additional reports provide insights into trending terms and conversions within a user defined time range.

User journey reports

Explore the series of queries and events a user performed in a single user session. The report includes the full sequence of queries, events (actions taken) and timestamps.

Search refinements

Merchants can supplement automated machine learning-generated fixes by using the searchandizing, product catalog and synonyms interfaces to remediate low quality searches.


Support successful customer journeys by specifying relationships between products, brands and acronyms. Krestor Search supports “two-way synonyms,” (interchangeable phrasing such as “orange juice” and “oj”) and “one-way synonyms,” (categories with components, such as “red wine” and “merlot”).

Redirect rules

Easily handle the many intricacies of redirecting key searches to more appropriate or lucrative results. Redirect rules support complex matching criteria, including: search term, match type and user segments. Redirect rules include the target URL and, if needed, start and end times.

Dynamic collection pages

Create dynamic collection pages from a set of merchant-specified categories and facets. For example, a fall product collection might include tops, pants and shoes from two vendors. The final collection page will also include recommendations from collaborative personalization.

The strategic role of merchandising

Krestor Search enables merchandising teams to drive engagement, revenue and gross margin from search. By using the extensive reporting and powerful tools provided by Krestor Search’s merchant controls, merchants are able to quickly identify and improve search outcomes within a single unified interface.

Merchant Controls work along with machine learning-enhanced rerankingcollaborative personalization and merchant controls to provide an automated solution that improves conversions, revenue and customer loyalty.

Don’t just trust us. Make us prove it.

Let us quantify the value of Krestor’s ML-backed search and discovery on your site using your data. No contract required.