See what Krestor can do for you

Try out Krestor’s ML product discovery platform on your site, your data:

World-class brands are using Krestor to elevate their product discovery experiences:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see Krestor in action?

Schedule a demo with a Krestor Product Discovery expert. Our proof schedule will show you exactly how Krestor can improve your business KPIs and give your users an experience they’ll remember. Or, visit one of our many customer sites listed above.

What is the Krestor proof schedule?

Our proof schedule allows you to validate Krestor on your site and your user data — and it all starts with the Krestor beacon. Our beacon will collect & process your clickstream data and present you with a panoramic overview of improvements you’d see by implementing machine learning in your product discovery experience (as well as the low-hanging value you can capture today). The beacon can be installed in as little as 5 minutes.

How long does it take to begin seeing results from Krestor Search?

Customers with ready-to-load product catalogs can begin seeing benefits in as few as 3 weeks. In most cases, benefits will improve over time due to algorithmic improvements based on shoppers’ behavioral data. Enterprise deployments, depending on the breadth of search requirements, may be longer.