AI-Based Product Search and Discovery

Building innovative, data-driven ecommerce search experiences

Drive Business KPIs By Listening To Your Users

With every interaction, your users are telling you what products they want to see — and also which products drive your top business KPIs.

Autosuggest That Understands Your Users

Get your users where they want to go with autosuggest that understands words and their importance, corrects misspellings, and infers user intent faster than the user can type their query. 

Make Browse Just as Powerful as Search

Krestor’s browse tools use the same machine learning algorithms as our search tools to ensure your browse pages serve products that make users happy and contribute to your bottom line. 

Recommendations That Work For Your Bottom Line

Krestor’s recommendations give you the power to optimize for any business KPI — unit sales, AOV, margins, or anything else.

Collections: Personalized Landing Pages For Any Use Case

Krestor’s Collections tool allows you to quickly & easily create landing pages (like a planogram or an endcap display) based on automatic rules or manual lists of products.

Stop guessing what
your customers want. Ask them instead.

Drive more conversions and revenue, build stronger relationships, and reduce time to purchase based on information your customers want you to know.

Search Revenue







Revenue Lift


Conversion Rate


Don’t make vendor decisions based on marketing materials. Validate it.

See what Krestor’s ML-backed Search and Discovery can do for your site, and with your data.

Search and Discovery

Search Relevance Is Dead: Here's What You Should Optimize Instead.

Featured in


We’re eCommerce platform agnostic and can work with anyone. Below is a short list of some of the eCommerce platforms we work with and our customers use.

mach alliance

Don’t just trust us. Make us prove it.

Let us quantify the value of Krestor’s ML-backed search and discovery on your site using your data. No contract required.