How it Works

Krestor learns from every query and every user to optimize for your top business KPIs — hundreds of millions of times every day.

Optimize for Any Business KPI, Not Just Relevance

With every click, add to cart, and purchase, users are telling you what products they want — and also which products drive the business KPIs that matter most to you. Krestor uses this clickstream data to not only show users products they’ll love, but also automatically rank every result to optimize the KPIs that are important to you.

Search Relevance Is Dead: Here's What You Should Optimize Instead.

Don’t Blindly Trust the AI – Understand It

The era of “trust me” AI is over. Krestor is the only product discovery tool that doesn’t force you to trust a black box. See exactly how our algorithms are ranking your products, all while giving you full control over what your users see for any query.  

Optimize with Clickstream, Not Just Keywords

All commercial and open-source search solutions were designed to optimize relevance, primarily by keyword matching, but this is far from the best approach. Your users – both on a broad and individual level – are telling you what they want to see with their clicks, actions, and purchases. Krestor actually listens to them. 

Sam Dombro

Sam Dombro

Product Manager

“We have a vast catalog of products, and before Krestor, we were struggling with relevance and ranking products in a meaningful way. We chose Krestor based on their intuitive UI, the strong results for many big retailers, and their willingness to work with us on items we needed. Since partnering with Krestor, we’ve seen significant lifts in RPV and Add to Cart rates for our test variants.”

Manage by Exception, Not by Default

Don’t spend hours manually re-ranking products, creating synonyms, and adding redirects. With Krestor, all those tasks are covered. Now your team can spend more time on interesting and truly valuable work.

Automatic, 24/7 Optimization

Whether users are interacting in search, autosuggest, browse, recommendations, or elsewhere, Krestor’s systems are constantly learning from each other to give users better experiences and drive the metrics that matter most to you. 

Don’t just trust us. Make us prove it.

Let us quantify the value of Krestor’s ML-backed search and discovery on your site using your data. No contract required.