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Work in progress

This feature is still in active development as we continue to build out increased functionality. Information here will change over time as this product continues to evolve rapidly.

Krestor offers quizzes-as-a-service to further enhance the product discovery experience. Quizzes provide site shoppers with the opportunity to discover products in a different way, apart from just search and browse. Quizzes guide end users with questions to help curate a list of products that meets their needs. The experience is similar to speaking with an in-store consultant.

Example Quiz use cases

  1. Products categories that require deep technical or domain specific expertise to fully understand where shoppers without this knowledge might not know which product attributes they should consider to help them narrow down their options. Quizzes help by guiding them down a path based on their responses to questions and provide some additional context where needed.
  2. Product catalogs with a large or deep assortment which can make it challenging for shoppers to really narrow down to a few good options. Quizzes help by providing shoppers with a curated assortment of products that fit their criteria.
  3. For brands who want to give customers the ability to tell them about themselves so they can be better served. Quizzes help by providing a way for brands to ask shoppers explicit questions and get back clear answers.