
Meet Krestor Quizzes

Krestor has now added Quizzes to its holistic, AI-first product discovery and personalization platform serving large ecommerce retailers!

Online brands and marketplaces lose $18B annually in cart abandonment, and inflation is likely to drive up those losses. Personalization is critical to driving conversion in ecommerce, but it’s becoming harder and harder to do. At a time when companies like Apple and Google are cracking down on third-party data collection, your team needs a better way to source the data that fuels personalized experiences. 

And if that zero-party data can be used automatically to drive conversion? Welcome to a new era of tech-enabled ecommerce.

With Krestor’s personalized product quizzes, you no longer have to guess what your customers want. You can ask them instead.

How Krestor Quizzes Works

Think of Quizzes as the ecommerce version of a trusted sales associate who asks customers about their preferences and needs in-store and makes intelligent suggestions based on their answers. Here’s how it works:

  • Create customized questions based on the data you want to collect. You can ask questions in multiple formats about lifestyle activities, dietary preferences, favorite swimsuit styles—you name it. 
  • Collect zero-party data. This is data that your customers want you to know and volunteer happily in exchange for more personalization.
  • Leverage AI and machine learning automatically for a highly specific, personalized shopping experience. Using this new data, the Krestor platform provides better search and discovery results across your entire ecommerce site. 

“Customers are stuck in analysis paralysis, which hinders their decision-making process during checkout, and retailers have a big part to play in this,” explains Eli Finkelshteyn, CEO and founder of Krestor. “Krestor Quizzes directly applies customer feedback to create individualized experiences for shoppers, narrowing options to only show them the best suited items and driving greater revenue as a result.”

Thinking Outside the Product Grid

Quizzes also offers retailers the opportunity to provide creative solutions for common points of friction in the shopping experience. For example, many products from supplements to kitchen appliances require guidance from an expert. Online, this might result in an abandoned cart or drop-off in the shopping session when a buyer gets cold feet. 

Because Quizzes is API-first, you can use it to provide customers with personalized educational content such as buyers’ guides or FAQs based on their quiz answers. Instead of dropping off the session, customers can feel more empowered to make the right purchase decision for them and complete the transaction.

And beyond the onsite experience, Krestor will soon be offering advanced segmentation so that quiz results can be leveraged to tailor global site preferences (such as “gluten free”) and personalized marketing campaigns. 

Early Quizzes customer LuckyVitamin (a vitamin and supplements retailer) is using the platform for just this purpose. 

“In supplements, a recommendation can’t be given on a single data point—you have to understand a whole host of factors around what customers need, want, and are struggling with,” says Vishal Arora of LuckyVitamin. 

“Krestor Quizzes will let us understand not just that someone is interested in heart health, but also the lifestyle choices and dietary preferences that should influence their choices. From there, we can make a more confident recommendation so the first emotion isn’t overwhelm and engage them in much more relevant ways across channels. It’s a welcome but drastic departure in the way we’ve spoken to our customers, and I’m extremely excited at the potential.”

Ecommerce Product Discovery at Its Finest

Quizzes joins Krestor’s powerhouse suite of AI-powered search and discovery tools. Generating consistent $10M+ lifts for our customers, Krestor is the only AI-first, ecommerce-first product discovery solution trusted by large retailers. 

Learn more about Quizzes here.