
Speak your customers' language. Improve your ecommerce search KPIs.


Bad ecommerce search costs companies $300 billion every single year.

Customers get frustrated when they can't find what they're looking for on your site on the first try. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI can help. 

If your site truly understands what your customers are looking for, you can give them what they want—and keep them coming back.

In this ebook, we'll explain exactly what NLP is, how it works, and the key benefits you can expect when you implement it in your search strategy: higher conversion rate, higher revenue, and better customer experiences.


Learn how NLP drives revenue and growth in ecommerce search.

What's Inside


How NLP helps search engines better understand the meaning behind your customers' language so you can provide better search results and drive more ecommerce revenue.


How NLP and AI-driven search strengthens your ecommerce tech stack by helping merchandising teams be more effective and contributing escalating outcomes over time.


The top NLP technologies for personalizing customer experiences and empowering merchandising teams with AI—and how to start leveraging them today. 

ABOUT Krestor

Applying machine learning and AI to customer clickstream data, Krestor creates personalized, optimized product discovery experiences across search, browse, recommendations, and more. Our products help top ecommerce companies drive KPIs and grow lifetime value.


Search Revenue





Rugs Direct




Revenue Lift



Conversion Rate


Drive bigger results from search and discovery

See how Krestor delivers objectively higher lifts across top ecommerce KPIs like revenue per visitor, conversion rate, and margin.